The staff and trustees of Watts Gallery oppose discrimination, racism and intolerance in its many different forms. We acknowledge the need to continuously reflect on our role as a cultural institution and how we can best represent everyone in our society and use our resources to advocate for the change we need to see in our organisation and wider society.
Watts Gallery Trust was established in 1904 on a firm belief in the principle of Art for All - of the power of the arts in general and creativity specifically to impact all lives. Our founders, the artists G F Watts and Mary Watts, actively advocated for inclusivity through the arts. It is in this spirit that the staff and Trustees of Watts Gallery Trust affirm their commitment to advocate for inclusivity and to work to end racism and discrimination against Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and any other marginalised community, wherever it is found.
As such, we are committed actively to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the museum and visual arts sectors and to opposing racism and discrimination through our programmes, networks and outreach. We acknowledge the important role that our founders set out for us to drive social change, and know we have a duty to do better in order to live by their founding ideals and to set standards for the future. We acknowledge that we have much still to do to ensure our collections, exhibitions, programmes and interpretation are informed by, reflect and advocate for the diversity of the society in which we live and work now and the historical context within which our founders and their contemporaries operated. The history of the past and present will inform the future. We are also clear that we have more work to do to ensure that our staff, volunteers, board and suppliers accurately reflect the diversity of our society.
We commit to be held accountable for the delivery of our Equality Action Plan and our Equality, Diversity and Dignity at Work Policy by our Board Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, Staff Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, and by the wider public. We commit to a process of continuous active monitoring and review of our progress and to the uncomfortable conversations necessary to achieve these goals.
Watts Gallery Trust supports black communities in the UK and across the world. We are committed to supporting equality and diversity in the museum sector, and we know we have a duty to do better. We acknowledge the recent reminders of the injustices which have unfolded and the important role we have as a cultural institution to drive social change and stand against racism.
Watts Gallery Trust is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of our work. We believe in treating people the same although they may belong to particular groups as defined by the Equality Act 2010. Please read our Equality, Diversity and Dignity at work policy here.