For the second year running, we have been working with Surrey County Council on their tree planting scheme, as part of their climate change strategy. It's all part of their plan to plant 1.2 million trees across Surrey to help tackle climate change and we're really happy to be playing a part.
This year, they gave us 12 lovely trees, all around a metre to a metre and a half tall. We got to choose what types of trees we wanted, which was great. We went for mostly beech, but also some hornbeam and birch. Birch trees do really well here. We've got very little horn beam on the site, but it's a good alternative to some of the trees like ash, which have been suffering with ash dieback, so it made sense to plant those.
We've planted them in a couple of spots. Two beech trees went into the cemetery and 2 hornbeam trees were planted in the Verey Playwood. Six beech trees were planted in the woodland round the back of Limnerslease. We have lots of mature beech trees there, and we've actually had one of them blow down recently, so it's quite nice that we've now got some new ones to replace it. Then, we planted two hornbeam and two birch trees in the main Limnerslease woodland.
Funnily enough, there's not a lot of places we can plant trees because they need to be in the right place with a sufficient amount of sunlight. We've got quite a bit of woodland on our site, which is wonderful, but it does limit where we can put new trees. Of course, planting is just the first step. We need to look after them, especially during the summer when they need plenty of water to get established.
We're really pleased to be involved in this project with Surrey County Council. It's great to be helping the environment and making our site even greener. We hope you'll enjoy seeing the new trees on your next visit - and who knows, maybe you’ll spot some new leaves sprouting!