Christine Banat

Christine Banat, Joy and Sorrow
Jesmonite, clay, wax (Joy 155cm x 35cm x 35cm | Sorrow 140cm x 35cm x 35cm)

The two sculptures Joy and Sorrow symbolise the highs and lows of human experience. Joy’s pose is one of elation and freedom expressing confidence in unrestrained happiness, its smooth white marble like finish represents uncomplicated strength and certainty. Sorrow’s pose is dejected, fearful, vulnerable, the colour of clay and the wax combined are fragile and the clothing represents a feeling of worthlessness. The work responds to George Watts representation of the human body which addressed the great themes of life, love and death. Seeking out the fundamental truths of humanity Watts said: “I paint ideas, not things, I paint primarily because I have something to say….as to suggest great thoughts which speak to the imagination and to the hearts and arouse all that is best and noblest in humanity.” The sculptures Joy and Sorrow acknowledge George and Mary Watts’ dedication to sharing their home and work with the community around them.

Instagram: @christine.banat.90


Small sculpture of a nude figure with her arms in the air exuding the feeling of joy

Christine Banat, Joy

Small sculpture of the female form bent over with her head in her hands. It looks like she's crying

Christine Banat, Sorrow