Inhabitable sculptures installed in the grounds by Surrey Hills Arts.

The HABITAT project uses creative, practical solutions to address the climate and biodiversity crisis. Its aim is to achieve ecological green spaces in urban pockets of land across Surrey built and nurtured by local communities.

Watts Gallery - Artists' Village is the permanent home to three of the inhabitable sculptures made during the project, by Surrey Hills Arts artists Livia Spinolo, Amy Haig and Will Nash.

These works are sponsored by the Reclaim Network.

Dissected tree trunk featuring a sculptural habitat made from concrete
Dissected tree trunk featuring a sculptural habitat made from concrete

Livia Spinolo, Urban Oasis

Urban Oasis uses repurposed concrete cones which contrast with the dense planting to create a sculptural habitat for slugs and snails, a food source for many birds.

Three ceramic domes of different sizes placed on the ground within vegetation
A ceramic dome placed on the ground within vegetation

Amy Haig, The Layered Woodlouse Mounds

These ceramic domes have been created to attract and shelter invertebrates. They have an internal core and outer layers, and are designed to house a range of different species.

Dissected tree trunk featuring a sculptural habitat
Close-up image of a dissected tree trunk featuring a sculptural habitat

Will Nash, Hex B

Hex B is a sculptural habitat designed for solitary bees. The system of nest holes can be easily disassembled for the annual harvesting of the bee cocoons and cleaned for reuse.