Joy Millett

Joy Millett, Triumph
Perspex, metal (each staff 1.75m)

This sculpture references the painting, Triumphs of Ceasar by Andrea Mantegna and the sculpture of the same title by Anthony Caro. It acknowledges the triumph of the Watts Gallery in renovating and maintaining this important, public artists village. The sculptural works consist of three staffs with bright coloured perspex symbols, reflecting the architectural and decorative details found within Watts Gallery Artists’ Village. The sculpture is sited on the lawn in front of Limnerslease and invites the viewer to cross reference the symbols with the original features found in the village and Watts Chapel.


Photo of Limnerslease with an abstract sculpture on the lawn in front. The sculpture consists of red, yellow and green perspex in abstract shapes on metal poles

Joy Millett, Triumph

Photo of Limnerslease with an abstract sculpture on the lawn in front. The sculpture consists of red, yellow and green perspex in abstract shapes on metal poles

Joy Millett, Triumph