Lizziy Parker

Lizziy Parker, A Light Beyond
Cyanotype, mixed media (84cm x 119cm)

The cyanotype print incorporates images of flowers from the gardens surrounding the Watts Gallery Artists’ Village, overlaid onto architectural details from the Historic Gallery external doors. The work is suspended from the roof beams of the Historic Galleries with original gallery chains used to hang the surrounding paintings. The work references the history of the cyanotype print process, developed by the Victorians to record botanical specimens. It also includes decorative beading alluding to the presence of pearls in 19th century jewellery and the inclusion of crystals from chandeliers. These adornments speak of both the location of the work hung from the ceiling, and the ornate aesthetics within the gallery.

Instagram: @ziah_fineart

Cyanotype hanging from the ceiling of Watts Gallery with beading decorating the bottom of the fabric. There is an abstract design on the fabric

Lizziy Parker, A Light Beyond

Cyanotype hanging from the ceiling of Watts Gallery with beading decorating the bottom of the fabric. There is an abstract design on the fabric

Lizziy Parker, A Light Beyond