Victoria Obiakor

Victoria Obiakor, Essence
Fabric and acrylic on canvas (88cm x 77.5cm)

In this vibrant painted collage, Victoria Obiakor celebrates the visionary minds behind Watts Gallery Artists’ Village, George and Mary Watts. Through a kaleidoscope of colours and textures, she pays homage to their artistic legacy, capturing the essence of their passion and creativity. Together, the Watts’ shaped a gallery that continues to inspire and ignite artistic minds. The central theme of the work revolves around the concept of unity amid diversity. Like many artists, George Watts would often paint himself, using self-portraiture to experiment with style, colour, different poses and facial expressions. Mirroring each other, the Watts’ profiles add depth and symmetry, creating a composition of the two creators and their support system. In a world often marked by fragmentation, Obiakor’s collage serves as a visual metaphor for emerging harmony where different components are seamlessly integrated. Essence represents the beauty of partnership and encourages contemplation about the interconnection of people and ideas.

Instagram: @artb_yve

Photo inside the Historic Galleries at Watts Gallery. There is an artwork hung on the wall which incorporates textiles and painting in a collage-style. It is displayed beside paintings by G F Watts

Victoria Obiakor, Essence

Photo inside the Historic Galleries at Watts Gallery. This is a close up image of an artwork hung on the wall which incorporates textiles and painting in a collage-style

Victoria Obiakor, Essence