Xiaoyu (Irene) Chen

Xiaoyu (Irene) Chen, Natural Sensation
Artist book, public participation (dimensions variable)

Feel with your heart the art of being situated in the mountains, being in nature and feeling nature. Discover the old-world and the escapist charm of Watts Gallery. Be a part of it. Natural Sensation is a light and shadow event that combines the natural environment around Watts Gallery Artists’ Village, to provide visitors with a different experience visually and sensually. The concept of this event is to relax in a natural environment amidst our busy urban lives. Xiaoyu Chen expresses everyday emotions through watercolour imagery, using the tent's ceiling as a screen to project this imagery. During the launch on the 11th of May, Chen invites individuals to use art materials to depict their sensations in the atmosphere created by the projection in the tent. Watts Gallery is situated amidst woodlands, making it an ideal location for this participatory work, combining classical architecture with natural scenery. As a conclusion to the entire event, everyone's creations will be created as one physical zine, available in the Artist in Residence studio throughout the show, and on her website, where participants can view their works.

